Download Natural Earth
Data hosted by: Florida State University, FREAC

Update: Check out for a new version of Natural Earth and matching vector data.

Full-resolution (1.24 km) data: RGB TIF image and World File, plate carrée projection, WGS84 datum, 16,200 x 16,200 pixels (per hemisphere)

Print the world 5.5 meters- (18 feet-) wide at 150 DPI

Landcover only
Landcover, shaded relief
Landcover, shaded relief, water
Western hemisphere (98.3MB)
Eastern hemisphere (162MB)
Western hemisphere (118MB)
Eastern hemisphere (191.7MB)
Western hemisphere (111MB)
Eastern hemisphere (181.4MB)

Extras: Grayscale TIF images, 16,200 x 16,200 pixels

Water bodies:
Western hemisphere (5.6MB)
Eastern hemisphere (4.1MB)

International boundaries:
Western hemisphere (1.4MB)
Eastern hemisphere (2.8MB)

Grayscale shaded relief:
Western hemisphere (40.2MB)
Eastern hemisphere (64.5MB)

Antarctic ice shelves and arctic multi-year pack ice:
Western hemisphere (540K)
Eastern hemisphere (436K)

AVHRR urban (city centers):
Western hemisphere (500K)
Eastern hemisphere (536K)

MODIS urban (more suburbs):
Western hemisphere (628K)
Eastern hemisphere (956K)

Downsampled (5 km) data: RGB TIF image and World File, plate carrée projection, WGS84 datum, 10,800 x 5,400 pixels (water version contains ETOPO2 bathymetry)

Print the world 1.8 meters- (6 feet-) wide at 150 DPI

Landcover only
Landcover, shaded relief
Landcover, shaded relief, water
World (31.2MB)
World (48.5MB)
World (76.8MB)

Extras: Grayscale TIF images, 10,800 x 5400 pixels

Water bodies:
World (2.3MB)

International boundaries:
World (728K)

Antarctic ice shelves and arctic multi-year pack ice:
World (196K)

AVHRR urban (city centers):
World (188K)

MODIS urban (more suburbs):
World (560K)

500-meter data of coterminous US: RGB TIF image and World File, plate carrée projection, WGS84 datum, 18,458 x 9,341 pixels (coverage: 15N to 57N, 52W to 135W)

Print the coterminous US 3.1 meters- (10.3 feet-) wide at 150 DPI

Landcover only (143MB)
Landcover, shaded relief (211MB)

Natural Earth Poster: RGB TIF image, Robinson projection, generalized ETOPO2 bathymetric tints and relief shading, title and legend, 10,800 x 5,400 pixels

Print the poster 1.8 meters- (6 feet-) wide at 150 DPI

See poster detail
Download poster (79MB)

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