Mount Katahdin is a solitary massif that looms above the woods and waters of northern Maine. I made this panorama as a test project with a beta version of Natural Scene Designer Pro 8.0, due for release this autumn. New features include online downloads of elevation data and imagery. For this map, I used 1-meter USGS DEM data and 60-centimeter NAIP imagery.

I selected Katahdin for several reasons. It is a rugged mountain that looks as if it belongs in the Rockies instead of the rounded Appalachians. It is the final destination of northbound hikers on the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. The network of challenging trails in the Chimney Pond area, including the famous Knife Edge Trail. And I couldn't resist mapping the beautiful glacial topography.

Although this 3D map may look photorealistic, it is a digitally-rendered image comprised of geospatial data. I hope that it inspires you to visit.

Tom Patterson

June 9, 2024

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The Mount Katahdin Panorama is in the public domain. You may use it any way that you want. You are not required to cite the map.

Contact me

I will periodically update the map. Please let me know about major features to include or any problems that you find.


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Mount Katahdin Panorama

Maine's Highest Peak

Version 1.0, June 9, 2024  Change log

Prints 32.4" x 20.3" at 300 dpi